Land donation lets city reshape Far West Side ditch (Bike path additions approved too!) [via Dispatch]

Quality of runoff flowing to Big Darby is concern

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2011  02:53 AM



his spring, Columbus will begin turning a line-straight agricultural ditch that feeds Big Darby Creek into a meandering, tree-lined stream.
Last night, the Columbus City Council approved accepting a donation of 22 acres on the Far West Side along the Clover Groff Run, formerly called the Clover Groff Ditch.
Schottenstein Homes turned over the land so it can receive storm-water runoff permits from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. The developer needs the permits for an apartment complex under construction across Roberts Road in Hilliard, said Brad Westall, greenways coordinator for the city's Recreation and Parks Department.
"We're going to completely restore this straight-line ditch to a natural stream channel," Westall said. "It will have lots of meanders, a gravel cobble bed, and hundreds of new trees and native shrubs and what we call warm-season grasses, more typical wet-prairie grasses.
"We will have that done by the end of this summer."
