YEE HAW! Hilly Billy Roubaix is June 25th!

Registration is now open!

If you don't know about this race you need to watch the promo video from 2010 found here -

2010 Winners:
Men's Open - Justin Pokrivka
Men's 40+ - Brian Wieczorek
Singlespeed - Gerry Pflug *overall winner
Clydesdale - Matt Kettering
Women - Betsy Shogren
Tandem- Jeff & Kate from Washington, D.C.

This event is part of the 2011 American Ultracross Championship Series

Hilly Billy Roubaix
June 25, 2011
Mylan Park
Morgantown, WV

This is going to be a mean one, Folks! This course will take you over dirt and paved "State Roads" around Monongalia County in Northern West Virginia and Western PA.  Finish times could be 6 plus hours for some riders. Road conditions may include missing bridges, car-sized potholes, gravel, mud, black top, cow paths, and maybe a piece of road kill or two, 100% of which are WV State Roads.  That's what we call good riding! Leave your expensive Flux-Capacitors and fancy wheels at home and maybe bring the cross bike. It might be the best tool for the job, but bring whatever you think is best for you.  However, if you show up with Zipps on your road bike we may laugh and point at you. This race course has just about everything a cyclist says they want when they're talking it up with their buddies.  Now let us see ya ride it! Course will have fully stocked aid stations along the way.  Sag support will be provided.

"I would not run smaller than a 30mm tyre. If you run a 28 you will be severely limited on the downhills. They needn't be knobby (for the current conditions) but you will need the volume. I don't think tubulars would be very smart either. DO NOT WEAR ROAD SHOES FOR THIS EVENT!"

Aid Stations:  Total of three, (at mile 19, 38 and 58) will be stocked with the following items.
Hammer Gels
Hammer Electrolyte Pills
(If you require something else drop bags will be available)

Mylan Park
500 Mylan Park Lane
Morgantown, WV 26501

Preregister on for only $60. Race day registration will be $70 and will open at 8:30AM. Race day registration opens at 8:30 AM, and closes at 9:45 AM.

Event T-shirts for the first 100 registered.

Post Race: 
Burgers & beverages FREE for all races.


How to get there:
From Pittsburgh
Take I-79 South to exit 155 (Star City) in West Virginia. Then take a right at the bottom of the exit ramp onto Chaplin Hill Road.  It is then only 1 mile to Mylan Park and it will be on your right.  Follow the signs to the horse arena.  Total Travel Time: 1 Hours 15 Minutes
From Washington D.C.
Take I-68 West to Morgantown, WV.  Then take I-79 North to exit 155 (Star City) in West Virginia. Then take a left at the bottom of the exit ramp onto Chaplin Hill Road.  It is then only 1 mile to Mylan Park and it will be on your right.  Follow the signs to the horse arena. Total Travel Time: 3 Hours 10 Minutes

From Charleston, WV
Take I-79 North to exit 155 (Star City) in West Virginia. Then take a left at the bottom of the exit ramp onto Chaplin Hill Road.  It is then only 1 mile to Mylan Park and it will be on your right.  Follow the signs to the horse arena. Total Travel Time: 2 Hours 30 Minutes
Events goes on rain, snow or shine!

No refunds starting two weeks before event date.

Sponsored by:
Appalachian Bicycle Racing Association
Dynamic Physical Therapy
Performance Coaching Service
Mylan Park

J.R. Petsko
Appalachian Bicycle Racing Association
733 Ridgeway Ave
Morgantown, WV 26505


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