Safe and Smart Cyclist Program at Franklinton CycleWorks!
This weekend marks the kickoff for our Safe and Smart Cyclist Program!!!
FCW was awarded a grant by the United Way to provide cycling safety & bike maintenance courses this summer. Classes will be free for Franklinton & Hilltop residents and minimally priced for all others ($15 per course or $40 for all four). 4 courses will be offered which will repeat once a month, June through September (and possibly October)
Here is this month's Schedule:
June 18, 9-10:30am = Basic Bicycle Maintenance (workshop)
June 18, 10:30am-12pm = Roadside Repair (workshop)
June 25, 9-10:30am = Rules of the Road (classrooom)
June 25, 10:30am-12pm = Traffic Skills (on-road)
The first 25 Franklinton or Hilltop residents who complete all 4 sessions will receive free safety equipment for their bicycle including a set of bike lights, a safety vest, a helmet, and a bell. All others who complete all four courses will receive a 25% discount off these safety accessories.
Open Shop will also be held this saturday as always from 1-5pm.
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