How much money (and time) does cycling to work actually save you? [via The Guardian]

The potential savings made by not using public transport can often end up going towards bike maintenance and gear

Cycling in London
Does cycling actually cost more than commuting? What about in rural areas? Photograph: Crispin Hughes/Getty Images

Last week, London-based Steve Morgan launched the charming Cycle to Work Calculator to tell you just that. He emailed us to ask us what we thought and it got me thinking about the calculation I did when buying a bike four years ago. Like many, I remember balking at the combined £650 cost of a bike and accessories (lock, lights, helmet, jacket – they sure add up, don't they?) and having to remind myself they would pay for themselves. But how long would it take?


  1. I personally dont care the cost, I just love riding my bike. Plus the long term effect that isnt part of the calculation, which in my books includes, health, freah air, scenry is worth more then money


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