Destroy your bike to keep thieves away? [via Wired]
No matter the gauge of the U-lock or the metallurgy of the chain looped around your frame, the lock securing that vintage Miyata to the parking meter will not stop a determined thief with the right tools. Enter the StayLocked Bicycle.
The StayLocked secures the bike by making the lock part of the bike. If it’s broken, the bike is unridable and, parts aside, valueless. Andrew Leinonen, a Toronto-based industrial designer and cyclist, created the prototype bike after years of the security anxiety that comes with being an urban rider.
“A few weeks ago, my girlfriend’s bike was stolen,” he says. “Out of our own alleyway.”
The locking mechanism comprises a section of the seatstays — the two tubes that extend up to the seat from the rear wheel. Leinonen installed a universal joint at the junction of the tube and latches in the stays to secure it to the frame.
[continue reading at Wired]
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