MORPC seeks volunteers for bicycle, pedestrian study - via Columbus Messenger

The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) seeks volunteers to assist with bicycle and pedestrian counts at selected locations on Sept. 28.

The counts will take place from 7–9 a.m. and from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. MORPC encourages any community interested in conducting their own counts to do so during the same time frame.

Volunteers are needed to fill nearly 50 time slots.

One of the greatest challenges facing the bicycle and pedestrian field is the lack of documentation on how many people are cycling and walking.

Without accurate and consistent figures, it is difficult to measure the positive benefits of bicycle and pedestrian investments, especially when compared to other types of transportation such as the automobile and transit.

Once registered, volunteers will receive a map of their specific location as well as forms and instructions to be used for the count. First-time volunteers will attend a training session Sept. 22 at 4 p.m. at the MORPC office, 111 Liberty St., Suite 100 in Columbus. Volunteers from other communities are welcome to attend the training as well.

“The counts are an important aspect of our ongoing effort to understand bicycling and walking trends in the Mid-Ohio region and nationally,” MORPC Associate Planner Joe Fish said.

A map of the locations can be found at

Volunteers are asked to register either online at or by contacting Joe Fish at or 233-4123.

Columbus Messenger


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