When Wheels Pile Up: Plant a Bike; Save the City [via NYT]

Editor's Note: I think Columbus is a different situation than NYC. I don't see a lot of bikes abandoned around the city and they would be better served to be donated to one of the co-ops in town, Third Hand or Franklinton Cycleworks. I do like it when people create artwork from cycling equipment though, as seen at Pedal Instead events.

From NYT

Eric Michael Johnson for The New York Times
Bernard Klevickas with his "twisted bicycle planter."

“In 1880, New York City removed 15,000 dead horses from its streets,” the historians Joel Tarr and Clay McShane wrote in an essaycalled “The Centrality of the Horse to the Nineteenth-Century American City.” Horse carcasses, they added, “were sometimes dumped with garbage into the bays or the rivers, often floating there or washing up on the beaches.”

“In the late 1860s, an ‘offal dock’ stood at the foot of West 38th Street,” the essay continued. “From there, the carcasses of horses as well as other dead animals and offal from the city’s slaughter houses was either dumped in the bay or sent to a rendering plant.”
I bring this to your attention because of the bicycle mania that is sweeping this town. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg has been on a personal mission to push bike ridership. Bike lanes have sprung up where none were before. 


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