Colorado Woman Spots Stolen Bike on Craigslist, Steals it Back [ABC News]

abc kmgh stolen bike jt 111109 wblog Colorado Woman Spots Stolen Bike on Craigslist, Steals it Back
Kathryn Lucas, 25, took matters into her own hands when her bike was stolen from outside of a Boulder sports bar. (Photo credit: ABC News)
A Colorado woman took matters into her own hands when her bike was stolen from outside of a Boulder sports bar. She tracked down her stolen bike on Craigslist, pretended to be an interested buyer and stole back her own bike.
Kathryn Lucas, 25, parked her bike outside of a bar where she went to watch a University of Colorado football game on the night of Oct. 4, according to ABC News’ Denver affiliate KMGH.
When she left the bar to head home, she discovered that her black Trek 1.2 road bike was missing. After filing a police report, she and her roommate began searching Craigslist to see if the thief was trying to sell the bike.
Sure enough, Lucas found a posting with a photo of her bike.  She immediately recognized her bike’s red handle-bar tape and her water bottle holder.


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