Coffee and Cycles: Cycling in Auckland

From the blog: Something about coffee and bikes go hand in hand, maybe it’s the effect caffeine has on the brain and body with the added ingredient of a bicycle it can create a great days adventure around the city. Most kiwi’s have no idea the we have some of the best tasting coffee in the world. Like anything good we get complacent with it, you could say the same thing for Auckland in general, people always complain about this city but I think it’s the fact most people never leave? Seems strange I guess. What we have in this post is a combination of a great Auckland coffee shop Eighthirty, found on K’rd next to the Mobil petrol station and bicycles. Glenn the owner is adopting bikes into their business for delivery and we worked together on this tandem turned cargo bike. The coffee at Eighthirty is nothing but the best around and next time your riding your bike past his cafe stop by for a coffee, you will not be disappointed- it’s good shit!

[See more at Cycling in Auckland]


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