Gnar Lube - Does sex sell bicycle lube?

[From GNAR] 
Welcome to the multi-verse of all things gnar. Here at Gnar Lube we make the gnarliest bicycle chain lube on earth.
Since you dropped by you must know a bit about lube, like the fact that it increases chain life and reduces chain noise. But this isn't just any lube, it's Gnar Lube and what makes it gnar is the patented formula we developed with top scientists from the fields of all things oily and lubilicous. Basically, it's made from the best unicorn dust in the multiverse and other stuff made here on earth.
We offer two gnarly Gnar Lubes, Blue Opal, our wet lube and Pink Delicacy, our dry lube. Pink Delicacy is best used in a variety of conditions, wet, dry or dirty and is Teflon Enchanced. Our Blue Opal is best in extreme weather conditions and is Moly and PTFE infused.
So, if your bike squeaks, it sucks. Don't have a squeeky bike, use Gnar Lube.
While you're here, be sure to check out our gnarly selection of gear and accessories to wear while getting your gnar on. Our products include: Dope Kits, Tee's, Posters and..... oh yeah carbon hand built 29ers the Gnarshark, built by John Slawta of Land Shark, limited release.


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