Sakarthvelo | a bicycle journey in Georgia

Sakarthvelo | a bicycle journey in Georgia from Blanche on Vimeo.

Sakarthvelo is another name for Georgia. In july 2011 we cycled one full calender month through the Caucasus in Georgia. We really loved it, specially the people. We definitely return one day!

Footage: Canon HF100
Music: Softspace | Softer, Sunlight Ascending | Out of this place, Datuna kenchiashvili | Sherma Survilma Damlia & Dilao Avdrianao, Shantel | Discoboy, Unknow singers Ushguli , Singer Tusheti guesthouse in Omalo
Editing: Final Cut Express

Special thanks to Friedel from who checked the grammar of the english subtitles.


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