Tour de Cause Winter TT Series at Crook's Cycle Right

Hi, I have finalized plans with Ron Burris to host a Winter Time Trial Series for Tour de Cause.
The highlights are in the attachment.

This should be a great way to put some cycling in the winter months and have some fun, maybe win some prizes. Ron is working on that now, so more details to follow.

The Series will run from 11 AM to 6 PM Saturday and Sunday each event, book early for the time slot that works best for you. 4-6 riders will compete each hour, rankings will be by age and gender - so you can race with your friends and the results will be by the age and gender classes.

Looking forward to seeing everyone this winter!
Crook's Cycle Right a cycling performance center Cell 614 496-8982 Office 614 417-1551 829 N. Columbus St Lancaster, OH

[Crook's website]


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