MORPC Regional Bikeways Plan STILL TAKING COMMENTS! (This is where money comes from for the central Ohio area)

As part of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) update, MORPC has developed a draft bikeway prioritization methodology for the region. This methodology will help MORPC to prioritize future bikeways at a regional level. We are reviewing comments received during the official comment period ending January 18, 2012. We will be considering those comments during the development of the final draft map and methodology, available for comment beginning February 29. Feel free to continue to submit comments. We will review for possible incorporation as best as possible prior to final draft map release. Comments can be submitted to MORPC, 111 Liberty Street, Suite 100, Columbus, Ohio 43215 or by email to Andrew Taylor
To view and download the methodology, please click on the following link: 2012 Draft Bikeway Prioritization Methodology.
To view an interactive version of the map, please click on the following link: 2012 Draft Bikeway Prioritization Interactive Map.

MORPC plans for the development of bikeways as a component of a multimodal regional transportation plan. The goal of the bikeway planning effort is to create a network of bikeways that provide transportation between Delaware and Franklin counties, Bloom and Violet townships in Fairfield County, and Etna township and Pataskala in Licking County. (This is the MORPC planning area.)
The development of a regional bicycle transportation system requires the following collaborative efforts:
  • Local governments provide data on existing and committed bikeways.
  • The bicycling community provides desired routes.
  • Bicycle organizations and public agencies provide technical information on bikeway design, location, barriers, and the overall cycling environment.
For more information contact Juana Sandoval at (614) 233-4140 or

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