Bid on your dreambike - Crank Bros and Wheels4Life team up

Inspired by Hans Rey and his determination to give back to the sport that has done so much for him, crankbrothers created the dreambikes program. 

The dreambikes started as a way to display crankbrothers complete range of products. These products coupled with an amazing frame and other beautiful components result in a bike that any of us would create in our dreams – the best products, coordinating colors, impeccable quality. We partnered with frame builders of distinction including Charge, GT, Ibis, Rotwild, Scott, Tomac, and Turner, as well as SRAM, Rock Shox, Avid, Fizik and Continental Tires. With the combination of these spectacular brands, the dreambikes become true works of art. 

That was not enough though. We knew that the dreambikes could be so much more than just a beautiful bike. We are proud to be a part of Hans Rey's charity, Wheels4Life. Hans has worked tirelessly to raise money to purchase bicycles for people less fortunate than us who desperately could use a bike for work, to receive health care, or to ride to school. For these people, the gift of a bicycle truly does change their lives. 

We will auction off each dreambike and donate all of the proceeds to Wheels4Life, with the goal of raising $50,000. That's enough to buy 500 bicycles and positively impact the lives of 500 human beings. 

Now, that really is a dreamlike.

[Bid here]


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