ODOT Seeks Feedback on Downtown Bridge and Street Designs [via Columbusunderground]

By: Walker

Again, you can voice your opinions to ODOT directly be emailing info@odot7071.org. Comments are due on Monday, February 6th, but continued submission of comments beyond that due date are still encouraged.

The Ohio Department of Transportation held a public meeting on January 19th to solicit feedback on the designs for Phases 2 and 3 of of the Downtown highway split fix. While the build out of these phases was recently pushed back due to funding, the design work is still being completed, and feed back is due by Monday, February 6th. You can submit your feedback directly via mail to info@odot7071.org.
Your input on this project is very important, and these phases will have a large impact on how residents commute throughout this area, and how visitors will be welcomed into our city. Below are some the renderings and images presented by ODOT, along with a few comments worthy of note. You can view the entire presentation in PDF format, HERE.
Let’s start with the design of Fulton Avenue, which is being reconfigured as a one-way “urban avenue” that will service east-bound traffic getting on and off I-70. Below is a rendering that was presented by ODOT several years ago. Notice the large green dividers between the roadway and the highway, creating a nice visual and audial buffer between the city street and the highway trench. Also, notice the inclusion of crosswalk bump outs and on-street parking spaces on both sides of the street:
Below is an updated design that ODOT is currently proposing. The street trees have been moved to the building-side of the street, and the buffer between the highway and Fulton has been reduced to a very narrow grass strip. Half of the on-street parking has been removed, as well as the sidewalk access on the highway-side of the street. Additionally, the decorative bricked-crosswalks end on the street and will not carry over to the bridge deck, making for a disruptive visual look. The same type of treatment is being proposed for Elijah Pierce Avenue and most of Lester Drive:
Keep reading at Columbusunderground.com and be sure to follow the discussion below the article...


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