A gal­lon of milk is 40% heav­ier than this bicycle.

world's lightest road bicycle (15)
This road bike weighs in at 6lbs (2.7kg): Lighter than the lap­top you’re prob­a­bly using right now.
The bike you’re about to see was an idea orig­i­nally started and cre­ated in 2008 by a Ger­man guy named Gunter Mai who logged over 20,000km on the machine for a cou­ple years and it weighed at around 3.2kg.  Early in 2011 he parted out the bike and sold each piece indi­vid­u­ally around the world.  Some of the key parts were bought by some guy in Col­orado who com­mis­sioned Jason Woznick of Fair­wheel Bikes in Tus­con, Ari­zona to cre­ate even lighter parts to fin­ish a new build of it.
Every part on the bike is com­pletely cus­tom made and can­not be bought unless you wanted it made spe­cially for you.  Even if you did want it made for you, you would have to con­tact man­u­fac­tur­ers who already make the light­est parts and then ask them to make a cus­tom piece for you that is even lighter.  Woznick guessed that if you tried to recre­ate the effort put into this bicy­cle, it would cost you at least $45,000.
As a result, this new machine weighs in at 2.7kg or just about 6.0lbs.  I can’t imag­ine what it would be like to hold such a large item that weighs two pounds lighter than a gal­lon of milk, but it must feel like noth­ing!  Even the car­bon fiber used in the wheels isn’t read­ily avail­able (even if you have the cash for it) as it’s a spe­cial grade that was got­ten from some For­mula One guys.
As a result of some of the cus­tom work, this has allowed man­u­fac­tur­ers to push their lim­its.  Both of the pro­to­type Dash hubs will actu­ally be going into mass pro­duc­tion this year, for exam­ple.  Any­way, enjoy the pic­tures as there isn’t quite a bike as exotic as this in all its min­i­mal glory.


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