Bike tow rope system []

The purpose of a bike tow system is to assist slower and fatigued teammates; faster riders slow down and slower riders speed up such that the team’s overall speed increases. Towing systems are usually anchored to the seat post of the stronger rider’s bike (tower) and attached to the front of the weaker rider’s bike (towee). An alternative system is a waist-belt pair joined by bungy cord.
NOTE: tow rope systems are also used with great success on foot too.
Variation 1 – seat post
The most common version has a piece of PVC pipe attached to the seat post, through which a length of bungee cord or surgical (rubber) tubing is threaded. The PVC pipe should be from-the-post-to-just-past-the-end-of-the-wheel in length. The pipe keeps the cord from getting caught in the lead rider’s wheel when there is slack on the rope. With the PVC pipe in place the tower is able to reach behind to ‘catch’ the cord should the towee drop it instead of passing it back to them when they release from the tow system. Without the piping, if the tow rope is dropped it will get caught in the wheel spokes – nasty – and it is more difficult to grab hold of.


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