The buffered bike lanes on SW Stark are not working [Bike Portland]

SW Stark buffered bike lane isn't working-19
The entry to SW Stark east of 4th Ave as
seen from my office window.
(Photos © J. Maus)

When the Portland Mayor Sam Adams announcednew buffered bike lanes coming to two downtown streets back in May of 2009 there was talk of "innovation" and making bikeways appealing to the "interested but concerned" demographic. Adams said at the time that, "The City wants Portlanders to be comfortable coming to downtown on a bicycle – whatever their skill level."
In the nearly three years since, it's very clear that more needs to be done for these buffered lanes live up to that promise.
In particular, one busy block SW Stark between 3rd and 4th (which I can from my desk as I type this) has become a joke. Many people driving cars illegally drive in the bike lane. In fact, the lane has become a de facto standard vehicle lane with many more people driving cars in it than bicycling in it.


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