Detroit's Bicycling Booming To Meet Transportation, Recreation Needs [Huffington Post]
Editor's Note: Beat the Train, Critical Mass and Tour de Troit are all worth the travel. I have done all three and they are great urban rides.
In a city where cars have long reigned, bicycles are gaining visibility in Detroit -- and not just because of their lights and reflectors. More and more Detroiters are biking, some to fill gaps in a struggling public transit system and others simply for pleasure.
As the city's public transit system continues to suffer, more Detroit residents are biking to work. A 2012 report by the Alliance for Biking & Walking found the number of bicycle commuters in Detroit rose 258 percent over the last two decades.
Organized bike rides such as Beat The Train and Critical Mass are steadily attracting groups of dedicated riders -- and the annual Tour de Troit ride saw more than 4,000 people turn out for its 10th anniversary last year.
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