Experienced cyclist dies after hitting barrier on B&O Trail [mansfieldnewsjournal.com]

BELLVILLE -- A 53-year-old man died Wednesday from injuries received in a bicycle crash Tuesday evening on the Richland B&O Trail.
Giuseppe Maino, a contractor at the 179th Airlift Wing of the Ohio National Guard base, died at 1:10 a.m., Richland County Coroner's Investigator Bob Ball said.
Bellville police Officer Burt Skeen said police responded to the bike trail shortly after 7 p.m. Tuesday, about 200 yards west of the bridge where Ogle and East streets meet. Maino, of Turin, Italy, was taken to MedCentral/Mansfield Hospital by Jefferson Township Fire Department rescue personnel. He underwent emergency surgery.
Maino was riding with a group of cyclists associated with Y-Not Cycling and Fitness in Lexington.
"He was to the rear of the group and only one gentleman was beside him. The other bicyclist was approaching the posts on the bike trail (which prevent cars from entering the trail or a park entrance) and he went ahead to make sure Giuseppe could pass either on the left or the right of the center pole. Mr. Maino impacted the pole," Skeen said.


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