Ground broken on final section of North Coast Inland Trail [The News Messenger]

Jim Fails, a Sandusky County Park District commissioner; Sharon Wilson, a Sandusky County Park District commissioner; Scott Black, mayor of Clyde; Donald Berkey, mayor of Bellevue; Marc Weisenberger, Bellevue recreation director; Pete Callaghan, of GGJ Engineers; and Paul Lieber, a member of community Rails to Trails committee, take part in the groundbreaking for an extension of the North Coast Inland Trail from Clyde to Bellevue on Thursday. / Jonathon Bird/News-MessengerCLYDE -- Sandusky County Parks officials broke ground Thursday for a bike trail connecting Clyde and Bellevue that will complete a 26.5-mile trail to span the county from its northwest to southeast corners.
The path will be part of the North Coast Inland Trail, which eventually aspires to run, end-to-end, 270 miles from Indiana to Pennsylvania. Roughly half of that distance has yet to be established and, in some sections, trail-goers are routed onto local streets.
During a ceremony behind Clyde City Hall, County Park District Director Steve Gruner recalled when the ambitious plans for the trail were first made about 25 years ago. Gruner said it was interesting that the groundbreaking for the county's final portion of the trail was in Clyde, from where the first section was built to Fremont in 1997.
"It's kind of neat we're ending up where we started," he said.


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