SSUSA2012 moves to Stowe VT

The course will be +/- 30 miles of tight new england singletrack.
The pre-eminent annual singlespeed mountain bike etc etc…here are the past locations and winners to the best of my knowledge.
The fastest man and fastest woman will be recognized, but to win the belt and the SSUSA Champion title you’ve got to win the derby. Practice up boys and girls.
2008 Tennessee: Rob Kranz (M) and Rebbecca Tomaszewski (W)
2009 Georgia: Dejay Birch (M) and Shanna Powell (W)
2010 Arizona: Jon Bailey (M) and Mandy Wisell (W)
2011 Colorado: Nat Pellman (M) and Eszter Horyani (W)
2012 Vermont: maybe you…


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