Transportation Odyssey in review [Model D]

Transportation Odyssey rolled on
"After the Greeks won the Trojan War, it took Odysseus about 10 years to get from Troy to Ithaca," says James Bruckbauer, policy specialist at the Michigan Land Use Institute. "Unless you’re in a car or an airplane, getting around Michigan can often seem as difficult."

Bruckbauer was one of 15 unwavering transportation advocates who embarked on the Michigan Transportation Odyssey, a 350-mile cross-state journey using only public transit. The mid-March Odyssey was conceived as a way to demonstrate both the opportunities and challenges of Michigan’s statewide public transport system. The three-day event was organized by Transportation for Michigan (Trans4M), a coalition created to help make Michigan communities more livable and robust through transportation policy reform.

[continue the odyssey at Model D]


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