3rd Annual World Naked Bike Ride, Columbus, is June 9th, 2012
The 3rd Annual World Naked Bike Ride, Columbus, is definitely happening in 2012. The ride is scheduled to coincide with naked cyclists all over the world on June 9th, 2012 at 11:59pm at 400 West Rich Street. As always, the ride is as BARE as you DARE. Bring noise-makers and BIKE LIGHTS! Wear costumes, hats, fancy panties, scarves, utility belts, shoulder pads, body paint, jock straps, clusters of balloons, electrical tape, merkins, pasties orNOTHING.
Secure facilities will be provided to house belongings at the site and PEDAL INSTEAD[[1]] will be supplying a bike corral for safe, organized bike storage. Doors open at 10pm for body paint, bike diagnosis, and more! The ride will be 2-3 miles long, returning to the start location for a dance party. Afterparty is for RIDE PARTICIPANTS ONLY.
Worried about the law? Men and women are allowed to be topless in Columbus and the Ohio indecent exposure statutes state that exposing your 'private parts' is illegal. If you don't want to think about it, dudes, try a sock, ladies, merkins are making a comeback! The police will have been warned beforehand so we won't be surprising anybody.
Remember, it's as bare as you dare, but totally nude cyclists will be in good company.
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