Bicycling Will Save Americans $4.6 Billion in 2012 [Momentum Mag]

May 22, 2012
Pedaling to Prosperity Factsheet image
New data released by the League of American BicyclistsSierra Club, andNational Council of La Raza (NCLR) highlights the tremendous economic benefits of bicycling and its importance as a safe transportation choice that should be available to every U.S. resident.
New and key data highlighted in the fact sheet includes:
  • Bicyclists in the U.S. save $4.6 billion per year by riding, instead of driving
  • If American drivers replaced just one four-mile car trip with a bike each week for the whole year, it would save more than 2 billion gallons of gas.
  • From 2001 to 2009, Hispanics, African Americans, and Asian Americans took up biking at faster rates than other Americans, representing 21 percent of all bike trips in the U.S. in 2009.
“There are so many reasons more people are riding, from improving their health to protecting the environment,” said League President Andy Clarke. “But, especially in tough economic times, bicycling can also be an economic catalyst, keeping billions of dollars in the pockets of American families.”
“Biking is an important piece of a 21st century transportation system,” said Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune. “Biking reduces America’s dependence on oil and lets individuals bypass the gas pump, saving individuals money and protecting our health and environment from dirty oil pollution.”
“Bicycling is a crucial mode of commuting for many Latinos,” said Catherine Singley, Senior Policy Analyst at NCLR. “Federal transportation policy should ensure that biking is a safe and viable way to connect people to jobs.”
Widespread desire for-and widespread benefits to be gained from-bicycling make it an important part of a 21st century transportation system. Everyone who chooses to bicycle should have access to safe infrastructure that lets them take advantage of the economic benefits of bicycling.
Read the full report here (PDF).


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