City hopes to become more sustainable, vibrant with bicycling [Dayton Daily News]

Bike riders take off on Bike Miami Valley's Urban Bikes.
CHRIS STEWART/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERBike riders take off on Bike Miami Valley's Urban Bikes.

Dayton hopes to relieve traffic congestion 
and pollution by 2025.

DAYTON — The city is taking another step toward making bicycles a reasonable alternative to automobiles, hoping to achieve results other cities have seen, including cleaner air, less traffic congestion and lower gas consumption.
Dayton is planning on spending $12.1 million through 2018 — most from federal and state money — on street repair, and road reconstruction and repaving that includes adding bike lanes or making improvements to bike and pedestrian paths. The current $4.4 million reconstruction of Brown Street includes adding bike lanes that will eventually connect the University of Dayton campus with downtown, the Oregon District and the regionwide network of bike trails.
Additionally, the city will initiate the Errand Bike program this summer.
That program is a refinement of last summer’s failed Yellow Bikes project that put bikes on downtown streets for anyone’s use on an honor system.
All 125 bikes disappeared within the first month. This summer’s program is more regulated.


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