Columbus Bike Polo and Megan Leigh Photography Mash Up

   So, last Tuesday night 6 Columbus Bike Polo members and 1 drenched photographer, braved the stormy weather and the result was a mixture of challenging matches and unique images. A special thank you to Megan Leigh for enduring the less than ideal elements and donating her talents.
The six valiant polo players and their steeds. "All for one, One for all!"

Peter Brown with ball control. The wet court added some pretty cool reflections.

Myself and David Frankhouser

Fletch on the breakaway with Peter

Josh Direen on the wall

Columbus Bike Polo meets every Tuesday night @9p.m. @the courts on Lane Ave & High St. across from the UDF and next to Taylor Tower. Everyone welcome!! Thursdays @830p.m. is beginners night. Hope to see ya out there!!
