National Bike Month, a good time to put on your helmet and saddle up [USDOT] #letsride

It's the first day of May, and that signals the beginning of National Bike Month.
Of course, when I was a kid, every month was bike month. Your bike was how you went everywhere. In those days, we didn't call ourselves bicyclists; we just rode our bikes. But somewhere along the way, things changed among kids as well as adults, and the percentage of Americans bicycling as a form of transportation declined.
Ready to ride with Rep Blumenauer
Ready to ride with Rep. Earl Blumenauer
Today, I'm happy to be part of a DOT that recognizes the value of bicycling as a transportation option, and I'm proud of the people working hard to make sure that riding a bike is a safe and convenient way to get where you're going or just get some exercise.


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