New Report Finds That More Biking and Walking Do Not Increase Crash Rate [Forbes]
Cycling (Photo credit: tejvanphotos)
A new report by the Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) found that when the rate of walking and biking went up, the crash rate did not.
“Report to the U.S. Congress on the Outcomes of the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program,” was released in honor of National Bike Month, which occurs each May.
It is an “eye-opening report on the value of investing in nonmotorized transportation,” Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood wrote in his blog “FastLane” earlier this month, acknowledging the value of bicycling as a transportation option and as exercise.
“Of course, when I was a kid, every month was bike month,” LaHood wrote. “Your bike was how you went everywhere. But somewhere along the way, things changed among kids as well as adults, and the percentage of Americans bicycling as a form of transportation declined.”
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