The Next Big Thing: “Spoke and Wheels”

What do you get when you combine the insight of TED Talks, the creativity of Pecha Kucha, and wrap it up in Bike Month? You get:

The Next Big Thing: “Spoke and Wheels”
Thursday, May 31st 6pm
Columbus State Center for Teaching and Learning Innovation
339 Cleveland Avenue
Bike IdeaHave something to say about bicycling? Can you do it in five minutes with 20 slides lasting 15 seconds? Then submit a proposal to present your compelling message on the final night of bike month.

Topics may include your unique take on bikes in history and culture, a vision for a bike-able community, a positive effect of cycling or just a darn good bike story. Some examples of topics s we have in the works are: "Can Bicycling Make You Smarter?;" "Bike Propaganda" and "The Fascinating History of the Bicycle."

Submit a proposal: Send a brief title and description of your presentation to Rich James ( by May 15th so we can plan the agenda. We may not be able to accommodate all proposals.
To learn more about bike activity at Columbus State visit Talk about it on the Cougar Cranks Facebook page.

What is The Next Big Thing?

The Next Big Thing (TNBT) is an event where presenters, within creative constraints, share an idea, story, or vision on a theme. The goal is to instigate creative thinking and conversation that carries on beyond the event itself.

What are the “Creative Constraints?”

This is modeled after Pecha Kucha and Ignite, two international programs where local affiliates host a presentation event. They each use similar presentation constraints such as those we use: a presenter has to use 20 slides lasting 15 seconds each, a total of five minutes. The challenge is to be concise, energetic and use visuals well. (Our format is the same as Ignite. See thisfun how-to video from Ignite for inspiration)

Who organizes The Next Big Thing?

TNBT is a partnership between the Columbus State departments of Human Capacity Development, Instructional Technology and Distance Learning and Diversity and Study Abroad Programs.

Does the audience get to participate?

There will be opportunity to mingle and discuss ideas and then elaborate on them via white boards and post-its. Presentations will be archived online so you pick up the conversation via social media.

 Is it free? Yes it’s free!

Please RSVP so we know you are coming!

Join us! Your idea could be "the next big thing!"


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