Ridiculously Loud Bike Horn May Be Perfect for Causing Public Disturbances [Wired]
Anyone who rides a bicycle in any sort of urban environment knows the dangers of inattentive motorists. That tiny bell on your handlebars is great if you want to get the attention of a pedestrian or another bicyclist, but to grab the attention of that guy blasting Skrillex from his car, you may need something with a few more decibels.
A few more decibels, yes, but probably not a system that’s so loud, it deafens everyone nearby and makes bike riding a chore.
The Hornster doesn’t just emit a few more decibels than the average bicycle bell — it explodes with 178 decibels. At 140db, even shorts bursts of noise can cause hearing damage. Louder than the Concorde superjet, this horn/bicycle combo isn’t only dangerous for anyone within earshot, it’s nearly worthless for real-world cycling.
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