What Bike Share Costs — A Comparative Chart [Transportation Nation] Where will Columbus fall?

There’s been not a little controversy about the cost of New York’s bike share since the program was unveiled this week — much huffing and puffing about how an afternoon’s ride would cost you a C-note.  The city Department of Transportation notes that bike share is not intended for four-hour rides, any more than a taxi ride should last four hours.  If you need a car for four hours, you can rent one.  If you need a bike for four hours, you can rent one too — just not a bike share.   And Matt Seaton takes a comparative look in the Guardian today
Their point is: this is transportation, not recreation.
But still, New York’s rates are among the highest in the world , as far we can tell.  The annual fee is $95 — a bit above most other annual rates, which range from $70 to $80. Still –the New York bike share annual membership is cheaper than a monthly Metrocard, as the NYC DOT likes to point out.
But the $4 cost of an hour ride in New York will be more than twice that of the roughly $1.50 it costs in Washington, DC, Boston and  London — as it will in Chicago, when that city’s bike share launches in late summer.


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