Bike Assistance needed for Relay Around Columbus
Some Bike Assistance, Please?
Please help… and forward on to your cycling friends!!!
(Great opportunity to ride around Columbus some more!)
Relay Around Columbus (, a 105 mile distance relay, is looking for some cyclists to support the runners and walkers in our overnight event on June 16 & 17.
The cyclist would ride casually for 4 hour shifts over a 4 to 8 mile section, or Leg, of the course. The course is 90% on the Greenways Trails and Metro Parks around the city... and Leg sections can be found on the event website.
All bikers receive a RAC event t-shirt and a reflective vest for their assistance. Helmets are a must, and riding at night will require a bike light, or headlight.
For more information, details, and to register - go to this link: http: // 30E0E4FA4AF22A02-bicycle
Please contact me at scottweaver@relayaroundcolumbu if you have questions and THANK YOU!
(Great opportunity to ride around Columbus some more!)
Relay Around Columbus (, a 105 mile distance relay, is looking for some cyclists to support the runners and walkers in our overnight event on June 16 & 17.
The cyclist would ride casually for 4 hour shifts over a 4 to 8 mile section, or Leg, of the course. The course is 90% on the Greenways Trails and Metro Parks around the city... and Leg sections can be found on the event website.
All bikers receive a RAC event t-shirt and a reflective vest for their assistance. Helmets are a must, and riding at night will require a bike light, or headlight.
For more information, details, and to register - go to this link: http: //
Please contact me at scottweaver@relayaroundcolumbu
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