Bike Jerks Kit Pre-order

Bike Jerks Kit Preorder
This kit project has been a long time in the making and I'm super proud to be able to offer you the opportunity to preorder the first ever Bike Jerks stretchy riding ensemble.

Designed with help from Twin Six, our home slice Saisha, and a little guidance from the Bike Jerks readership, we're mad stoked to bring these forth into the physical world.

The kit is being produced in partnership with Minneapolis' own Twin Six, is made in these United States, and features T6's signature cut which is not quite race, not quite club, but just right. If you're looking for sizing charts their site has them here.

As part of the preorder I am able to offer you these bad boys at a 20% discount off standard retail. This is for preorders only, and the deadline to order is 6/15 so don't dilly dally.

This may be the only kit I ever get to do, so if you're into stretchy clothing, it's time to rep the set.

Head over to the main Bike Jerks site to get on it.


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