Halo Couriers bicycle service delivers CSA's in the UK
We offer carbon neutral bicycle delivery of your farm share to Northampton via Halo Couriers bicycle service. Live outside of Northampton? No problem. . You can still get your share delivered! Brought to you by Halo Couriers vehicle service direct to your home or office in the following towns: Granby, Hadley, Amherst, Easthampton, Florence, Springfield, Montague, Deerfield, Sunderland, Greenfield, and Turners Falls. If your town is not listed here, but is nearby, please contact Halo Couriers, 413-584-8380,info@halobikecouriers.com, to see if they can deliver there as well.
Direct to home or office delivery is $9 per week! You can get our top quality produce and come out to our farm for visits and Pick Your Own whenever you want, as well as having the convenience of delivery.
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