Le Cirque Du Cyclisme show


Following is a summary of the show organization and criteria for Sunday. We've streamlined the categories and judging, somewhat along the lines of the CR weekend last year. This is always a difficult task, and everyone seems to have a different opinion of how this should work. It's also been difficult for people to know what category their bike should be in, and inevitably things get confused. Anyway, this is the plan.

Judging will be done by some of the most knowledgeable and respected vintage bicycle authorities available, namely, YOU. Each Cirque registrant will receive a numbered ballot with all categories indicated, except for People’s Choice.

The show will be organized in a time-line fashion, with progressive “time-blocks” for the following years:

1949 & Earlier
1950 to 1959
1960 to 1967
1968 to 1973
1974 to 1980
1981 to 1986
1987 to 1997

There will also be a “Craftsman Showcase” segment of the show, highlighting bikes from 2000 onward by builders carrying on the traditions.

“BEST” acknowledgments will be awarded in each of the categories. Since there is really no defined criteria, “Best” is, of course, quite subjective. It really means your “favorite” for whatever reason moves you. These acknowledgements are meant to be fun and entertaining, so don’t take it too seriously.

Because of the focus on American bikes this year, there will be acknowledgements for both Best American and Best non-American in seven the time categories.

In the Craftsman Showcase category, there will be acknowledgements for the following segments:

BEST Road/Sport
BEST Touring/Randonneur
BEST Track/Single Speed
BEST City/Utility

There will be two final categories, Best in Show and People’s Choice

Each registrant needs only to enter the bicycle number (which will be in the show card on each bike) into each category and turn in the ballot.

People’s Choice will be by separate ballot, which will be available to all attendees on Sunday. 

See highlights & results from 2012 event HERE


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