Salsa Japan Tour 2012 - Bringing It Back

May is a beautiful time to be in Japan. Kelly Mac, Kid Riemer and I were full of anticipation when we all three arrived to Narita. Our mission was to launch Salsa and Adventure by Bike into Japan. I think it is safe to say that what we experienced far exceeded our expectations. At one point in the trip we were interviewed independently for a magazine article. All three of us were asked about our experience while in Japan and what stood out? All three of us answered with the same three things; the kindness and generousity of the people, the beautiful land, and the incredible food. While these are the things that really impacted us on our trip, there were many, many things that left lasting impressions. Over time, we'll be bringing you many stories from our trip. Today, I'll share just one of my stories and a personal surprise from the trip.
Seven years ago I visited Japan for work. I've also travelled quite a bit in Taiwan and also made a trip to mainland China. On every trip I've had trouble getting coffee. Being a coffee addict in a tea culture, I thought I'd better be prepared for this tour as I expected a tea culture. I'd hate to be on a bicycle tour without coffee. In fact, I can't even imagine it. So, as I packed up my own bike cook kit for this trip, I included my coffee filter, ground beans and some emergency Via packs. Little did I know that I was in for a real coffee treat.


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