SRAM | pART Project
Ken Ketchum
Materials: Bicycle parts, modified mannequin, acrylic paint
Dimensions: 21 in W, 12 in D, 33 in H
Auction Details
This is your chance to own a piece of the art and contribute to a worthy cause. Each work created for the SRAM pART PROJECT is being auctioned off to the highest bidder. All proceeds will be donated to World Bicycle Relief.
This is your chance to own a piece of the art and contribute to a worthy cause. Each work created for the SRAM pART PROJECT is being auctioned off to the highest bidder. All proceeds will be donated to World Bicycle Relief.
Browse the Art or visit the Velo Village pART Site to participate in the auction. Online bidding closes on June 24th @ 5:00pm.
Velo Village celebrates rural cycling: here, there, everywhere. When SRAM Marketing wizard, David Zimberoff, reached out with an opportunity for us to contribute to cycling in rural Africa the answer was yes. The question was how?
“Start,” he said, “with a 100 bike parts. Make art. Auction the art. Give the proceeds to World Bicycle Relief.” And just before Christmas 24 boxes, each containing 100 high-quality brand spanking new SRAM components, arrived on Salt Spring Island and the work began.
A wish list of noted Island artists was put together and, within days, all the boxes were gone!
Salt Spring is one of more than 450 islands that dot British Columbia’s southwest coast. It’s a feisty, artistic community where the natural world equally inspires and challenges its residents. This June, we’ll see how 24 incredibly gifted individuals connect art from parts for Africa!
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