What To Expect at the 2012 Pedal with Pete, Columbus, OH Ride

New For 2012:

  • Pre-Ride Party!JOIN US FOR A PRE-RIDE PARTY Pre-register before Wednesday, July 4th and pick-up your rider packet (maps, handouts, T-shirt, water-bottle) at ANY Columbus Bike Source location on Saturday, July 28th from 2pm-6pm.  Come join us at the Clintonville Bike Source for a Pre-Ride Party from 2pm-6pm.  Everyone is invited! Registration will still be available at the store and online through Wednesday, August 1st and the day of the ride, Saturday, August 4th.
    Bike Source Locations:
  • Clintonville: 2887 N. High Street
  • Dublin: 4840 Sawmill Rd.
  • Westerville: 591 S. State Rd.
  • ADDITIONAL FOOD STOP FOR 7-MILE RIDERS In the past, our 7-mileriders had food at the START/STOP, but no extra food or water on their route.  Thanks to a suggestion from long-time supporter and rider Wendy Billings and her son Luke, we are adding a food stop  right on the bike-path 1/2 way through our 7-mile route for those riders.  We appreciate the heads-up from Wendy and Luke!
  • SIGNAGE ADDED AT “ROUTE SPLIT-POINTS” Since we offer so many routes (7, 18, 32, 47, 64, 80, or 99 miles), and they all start from the same point, and several loop through the same food stops, we have sections where routes overlap and then split apart from one another.  People seem to understand our painted markings on the road if they notice them in the first place, but sometimes they miss the route split point markings entirely, for a variety of reasons.  To combat this problem, we plan to place signage in advance of the painted road markings saying something simple, like “ROUTE SPLIT-POINT AHEAD”, which will give you another clue that it is time to pay attention to the painted markings at the upcoming intersection.
  • ADDITIONAL SIZING FOR T-SHIRTS We are offering many more sizes forAdditional t-shirt-sizes available this year T-shirts this year, including a slate of Women’s sizes, larger sizes for all, and more Youth sizing which specifies the size more clearly.
  • PLEASE REGISTER A MONTH EARLY TO INSURE CORRECT T-SHIRT SIZE/QUANTITY Since we do not order extra T-shirts (we hate waste… we love CP research), we will guarantee a T-shirt in your requested size if you will Pre-Register by July 4th for the Saturday, August 4th ride.  That gives us one month to order the right size and quantity for this set of pre-registered riders.  We will order even more T-shirts, but with all these sizes, predicting what sizes to order in what quantities will be tricky, so no guarantee we’ll have a T-shirt for you if you pre-register after July 4th.  So,register NOW!
  • FAIRLY NEW CREDIT CARD PROCESSING – If you come on the day-of-ride and are low on cash, we can to process your credit card on site.  For other days of the year, we’ll direct you to our web-site for online donations and ride registration, both of which accept credit cards.
  • NEW ENTERTAINMENT!  NEW FOOD! Details coming….   Details are still forming… follow us onFacebook and Twitter for details as they firm up!

Returning for 2012:

  • 2011 Registration TurnoutDOZENS AND DOZENS OF DOOR PRIZES!  What a great tradition for PwP that we’ve had since we started the Columbus ride 10 years ago!   Every rider is entered into the drawing to win a door prize: anything from free food, free passes, or even free bike gear!  When you finish the ride, check back in – you may have won!
  • RIDE: 7, 18,32, 47, 64, 80, or 99 miles.  Helmets required!
  • SUPPORT: All routes are marked with arrows on the road, and include rest stop(s) with refreshments and water.  Several volunteers drive the route looking for stranded riders (SAG drivers… Support and Gear).
  • ROUTE: There is NO mass start.  Riders can start anytime between 7:15 and 9:00 a.m.  The 7 mile route follows the Heritage Rail Trail, passing through Homestead Park.  The 18 and 32 mile routes are mostly flat jaunts to the scenic Big Darby Creek.  The 47 mile route follows flat to gently rolling terrain on lightly traveled township roads, following the Big Darby toward its source.  The 64 mile route is for those wanting that metric century!  The 80 and 99 mile courses follow the same route with additional loops featuring longer grades.
  • FRIENDLY VOLUNTEERS, FRIENDLY RIDERS, FRIENDLY FAMILIES It’s the people that make a great atmosphere for a great cause come alive.
  • FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD! Many of our food sponsors are returning, such as Bob Evans for our post-ride cook-out and Frito-Lay for munchies.
  • GREAT WEATHER! For 10 years, we’ve had sunshine, maybe heat, maybe wind, and only a little rain maybe in the morning, maybe for the last few riders.  Don’t worry about the weather; you’ll always be able to ride one of our 7 routes and eat great food for a great cause. We don’t have a rain date, we don’t need one!  Register Now!
  • GREAT VALUE! For only $30 pre-registration (received by Wednesday August 1st), or $40 day-of-ride, or $10 for kids, you get so much for the money!  A fully-supported and marked route (7 to choose from), T-shirt, water-bottle, food, post-ride cook-out, great chance at a door-prize, and you’ll be supporting CP research that is so promising.
  • DONATE AND/OR COLLECT DONATIONS – While we don’t requiredonations, we promote donations for the cause of CP research.  A portion of your registration supports CP research; in the past 83% of your registration dollar has supported CP research!  However, a much lower percentage is actually tax-deductible because of IRS regulations (the calculation must take into account the donated food and supplies we receive for your ride experience).  Additional donations, from you or your supporters, are 100% tax-deductible and fund the promising research that is so desperately needed by kids and adults like Pete, Luke, Justin, David, Jake, Andy, Abbe, and so many others that we are inspired by through this work.  Thank you for your participation and your support!


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