9 Months in and I’m Still Pedaling On! [Of Bikes and Beer]
Hard to believe I’m already this far into my 1 year commitment of being car-free. Guess time does fly when you’re having fun biking everywhere. For those keeping track, I’ve biked almost 2,400 miles and driven 0 miles since October 8, 2011! Not much will change once my year is up, I still plan on biking everywhere and I don’t plan on running out and buying a car. About the only thing that might change will occasionally being able to drive my boyfriend’s truck (as long as he lets me) or being able to rent a car if necessary. It’s pretty crazy to think that I HAVE NOT DRIVEN A CAR AT ALL THIS ENTIRE TIME!!! A very common thing that the majority of people do all the time and think nothing of it. Next time, stop and think…could I get there by bicycle instead of taking the car? You might be surprised how easy and FUN it could be.
For those of you in the LA area, the New Belgium Tour de Fat will be back in town on September 15th! I’m super excited for their return and cannot wait! Anyone up for the commitment to “trade your car for a bicycle” like I did? They are doing things a bit different this year and letting YOU choose the commuter bike of your choice…http://www.newbelgium.com/events/tour-de-fat/tradeyourcar.aspx
“The pinnacle of Tour de Fat is the ceremonious car-for-bike swap. At each of the 15 Tour de Fat stops, one person will become the center of the show as he or she gets up on stage, hands over their car keys, and pledges to live one year car-free. Each car-for-bike swapper will choose a local bike shop to help turn a $2,250 budget into an ultimate car-replacement commuter bike. Vehicles for Charity will auction the cars, with proceeds benefiting local cycling organizations.”
In other news…we have a new addition and will have to get a bike trailer to bring him along for the ride since he’s already too big to fit in my pannier : )
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