Faraday Porteur–ultimate electric propelled utility bicycle [Kickstarter]

Meet Faraday
The Faraday Porteur is the ultimate electric propelled utility bicycle - the first electric bicycle built by, and for, cyclists. Dubbed "the ultimate modern utility bicycle" by the Oregon Manifest bicycle design competition, the Faraday Porteur is an elegant, powerful electric bicycle - a high-quality city bike that is comfortable and effortless to ride – with or without the electric motor.

The 2013 Faraday Porteur
The 2013 Faraday Porteur

What will Faraday do for you?

Imagine...how many more people would ride their bikes instead of driving if they could pedal comfortably to the office in their work clothes, run errands in style, and blast up hills without breaking a sweat? Until now, no electric bike has come close to delivering the timeless style and delightful ride that makes each and every one of us love riding a bicycle. With the Faraday Porteur, everything has changed. We've put the "bike" back in "e-bike".

Modern technology meets timeless design
Modern technology meets timeless design
[See more at Kickstarter]


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