FRAANK: Family Ride Across America to Nurture Kids

Beginning on April 20, 2012 in Juneau, Alaska FRAANK founder Romano Scaturro, at the ripe 
age of 50, will embark in the first ever attempt to travel to all 50 US state capitals 
(over 17,000 miles in total) using only human powered means of transportation and 
without any support.

From the Alaskan capital his journey will begin with a 3 day, 65 mile paddle in a sea 

kayak through the Lynn Canal in Alaska’s inner passage to the nearest road in Skagway, AK. 
From there he will begin the bike stage of his trek covering over 14,000 miles in 7 months to 
the remaining 48 land based accessible capitals.

After a 6 month respite in winter quarters the journey will resume with the goal to reach the 

50th and final capital: Honolulu. In a specially constructed and fitted ocean rowing vessel, 
he will attempt to row across 2,400 miles of the Pacific Ocean from Monterey, CA to his final 
destination. Click on Schedule to see the dates Romano plans on arriving in each state capital 
and Map to view his planned route or Click here to follow him through his daily adventures 
and mishaps.

Along the way Romano plans to meet with state legislators and community activists in his 

attempt to raise awareness and funds for this years cause; the twin epidemic of childhood 
obesity and hunger in the US. Nearly 1 in 3 children in America today are overweight or 
obese, due primarily to poor diet and lack of exercise, while at the same time there is a food 
shortage resulting in 1 in 6 children going to bed hungry.

Romano and FRAANK are dedicated to rectifying these imbalances and improving the 

lives and well being of our children. Thus 50@50 has set a goal to raise $50,000 
($1000 per state) of which 100% will go directly toward local and national children's charities 
and causes. Please click here to make a tax deductible donation.

