Scioto Trail New Construction Update

New Construction---Scioto Trail
Grandview Avenue to Central Post Office/910 Dublin Road

We are excited to announce that construction is now beginning on the gap in the Scioto Trail between Grandview Avenue and the Central Post Office.  This linkage is being built by ODOT, and will connect the entire path between downtown and the Grandview/Hilltop area.  Construction includes two bridges over the Scioto River.  During this 18 month time period, users will not be able to access the path @ Grandview Avenue, and the path will be barricaded near its current end @ the Post Office.  Users will still be able to use the path from the Confluence to the Sauder Avenue bridge and cross to the Floodwall Path.  Users can also still use the north segment of the trail from McKinley Avenue, the new Hilltop Connector bridge, and a 0.5 mile section to Riversedge.   

Riversedge to Fifth Avenue

Construction starts in September on a new 1 mile extension of the trail north to Fifth Avenue.  This will not involve any detours or closures.

Brad Westall,  PLA
Greenways Planner
(614) 645-2441


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