Street Brew Coffee Trike - Time is running out to help Solar Cafe

We designed an eco-friendly food trike. Help us finish building two tricycles to serve coffee on the streets of Columbus, Ohio.

  • Launched: Jul. 06, 2012
  • Funding ends: Jul. 26, 2012
We are bringing Solar Roast coffee to Columbus, with our first café opening in Hilliard this August.  We want to start serving coffee in the under-caffinated areas of our city.  Our tricycles are small enough to serve directly on the sidewalk, too.  Help us finish building two eco-friendly coffee trikes and support our Kickstarter project.   
The coffee we serve is roasted with the heat generated from concentrated sunlight.  Roasted in Pueblo, Colorado, the brothers that invented the Helios solar consentrators used to roast the beans have made their technology openly available for a variety of uses.  We take inspiration from their mission, adopting the same philosophy of reducing environment impact and consider it in all that we do.  For that reason we believe tricycles are the most efficient and convenient ways to serve coffee, especially in areas that do not have coffee available!!!
We need help finishing the second tricycle and adding solar panels to each of the tricycles.  Our Kickstarter campaign to collect $1,500 will give us enough money to build each tricycle.  Anything additional allows us to buy a trailer and make further additions to the trike.  
We want to share what we are doing with you, whether you are in Columbus or not.  We have rewards that let you try the coffee we are so proud of bringing to Columbus!  Your contributions allow us to finish our eco-friendly tricycle project by August 15 and immedietly start making coffee service more convenient in downtown Columbus.
About the Street Brew trikes!
We designed the tricycles based on available parts and materials!  Because we have a light frame without any heavy appliances, the frame does not require structural modifications to be used for our trikes.  
Each tricycle is going to be able to serve for 2 hours without refueling, coffee.  It will be operated by pedals and solar panels, making it perfect for mobile coffee service.  We plan to equip each trike with on-board brewers so we can extend coffee service and stay full during the busiest times of day.
For now we are taking the trike around on a truck, once we get more than two out on a daily basis we will purchase a trailer to haul the bikes around.  If the Kickstarter campaign is a wild success, we will be able to purchase the trailer immedietly.
What we need the money for
Metal - the bikes don't use a lot of it, but we do need to buy enough aluminum to build the serving box for the second trike.  We build the bikes in such a way that there is minimal waste and we re-use as much as we can.
Solar Panels -  After our first day, we realized we need to be able to constantly brew coffee.  We want to brew right on the bike.  One small solar panel will be enough to power a small brewer on each trike.
Fabricator - We did pretty good on the first bike, but we want the second one to look perfect.  We need to pay a fabricator for a few hours to do some welding and metal work.  That will be the finishing touches (and if you know a great fabricator, email their contact info to Blair ( ).
We hope you can donate, even $1 is awesome.  Our beans and coffee is our own production and the trikes are our own design.  Let's kickstart this project!
You can like us on Facebook.
You can follow us on Twitter.
You can read more about Solar Café's Street Brew Tricycle project on our website -


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