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The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) has begun the process of updating Ohio's long-range transportation 
plan, Access Ohio. The new plan, with a horizon year of 2040, will include a comprehensive inventory, forecast, 
and analysis of the trends and issues affecting transportation throughout Ohio. This plan will set the stage for 
ODOT transportation policies and investment strategies for the coming years. Access Ohio 2040 will be 
completed in 2013. The previous long range plan was completed in 2004, to view Access Ohio 
2004-2030 click here

The updated plan will include consideration of the following: all areas of the state, 2010 census data, trends in 
population changes, trends in freight movement, trends in economic development, recently completed ODOT 
plans, and financial resources available to execute the plan.
The updated plan will: inventory existing conditions of infrastructure for all modes of transportation, inventory 
ridership for all transit agencies, inventory existing crash data, inventory all major environmental assets, seek
 input from transportation stakeholders and the public, identify macro-corridors, project the future conditions of 
all ODOT-owned roads (pavement conditions, bridge conditions, demand and congestion), document potential 
impacts of climate variability on existing infrastructure, and demonstrate consistency with plans from 
metropolitan planning organizations.
