Cyclist Killed After Being Hit By Olympic Bus; Quote from Bradley Wiggins

A bus driver arrested after a cyclist was fatally injured near the Olympic Park in East London has been released on bail.
The Metropolitan Police confirmed that the driver, in his mid-60s, had been released following his arrest on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving.
The 28-year-old cyclist was struck by an official Olympic bus in Hackney at around 7.40pm on Wednesday and died at the scene.
The London Ambulance Service spokeswoman said: "Sadly one person was pronounced dead at the scene by the air ambulance doctor."
A London 2012 spokesman said: "We can confirm that a cyclist tragically died as a result of a collision with a bus carrying media from the Olympic Park.
"The police are investigating the accident and our thoughts are with the cyclist's family."
The collision is being investigated by the Metropolitan Police's Traffic Investigation Unit.
Speaking at a news conference shortly after the incident, Britain's cycling gold medallist Bradley Wiggins called for safety helmets to be made compulsory.
He said: "It's dangerous and London is a busy city and a lot of traffic. I think we have to help ourselves sometimes.
"Cycling is a dangerous sport. I know there are a lot of people out there who ride bikes who abide by everything, the laws, the lights and things.
"But there are a lot of cyclists as well who don't help themselves, riding along with no helmets on, iPods on, this, that and the other on those Bojo things.
"There have got to be laws that protect both parties. Things like legalising helmets, making them the law to wear. They shouldn't be riding along with phones and iPods on, shouldn't be riding without lights."
But despite the Olympic and Tour de France champion's comments, London Mayor Boris Johnson said there were no plans to make safety helmets compulsory.
"We have absolutely no plans to make them mandatory," Mr Johnson said.
"The evidence is mixed. I have to say, that in countries where they have made them compulsory, it hasn’t always necessarily been good for cycling."
Original Article with video


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