Ohio 3 Feet Advocacy | 3FeetPlease.com

Our mission is to save cyclists’ lives. But, this cannot happen without great effort and passionate people. It takes a lot of work and people willing to roll up their sleeves to do that work. This page is dedicated to helping you make it happen in Ohio. Here you will find information on Safe Cycling Champions, laws and tools you can use in your advocacy efforts.

AdvocateChuck Smith
Phone: 937-890-6689

Safe Distance Law2004 Orc 4511.27(a)(1)
3 Feet Bill2011 Sb174(1)(b)
Driver's Manual2010 Ohio Driver Manual Pg.67-68

Advocacy Tools:

If you come across links, papers, articles, events, or other opportunities that should be added to this page, please contact joe@3feetplease.com or call 1.800.761.0907


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