Tamarack Circle Reduced To One Lane - Confusing Drivers - Dangerous to Cyclists [NBC4]
By: | NBC4
Published: August 15, 2012
Published: August 15, 2012
Tamarack Circle is suddenly more of a roundabout.
The roadway has been reduced from two lanes to one, with a bike path next to a parking lane.
A lot of drivers are either ignoring the new pattern, or are simply confused.
“I don't know what they're supposed to be doing with it," said motorist Susan Busch.
During the time when NBC4 crews were watching, drivers were in the parking lane, the bike lane, and some drivers took their half out of the middle.
"I think it's very dumb the way they have it set up," said Gloria Ridenbaugh who lives nearby.
No project or change can please all the people all the time, but the project doesn't seem like its pleasing anyone -- at least anyone who spoke toNBC4.
"Most of us did not know anything about it. I have heard that a couple of business owners were approached, I don't know who those people are," said John Biteman, a block watch captain with the Forest Park Neighborhood.
David Cooper isn't one of them, and he's head of the local business owners association.
"It's something we didn't plan for. It is something we didn't know about. I'm still not sure exactly what the long term goal is," said Cooper.
NBC4 left messages for the city's public service department, but the messages were not returned.
The project is listed as resurfacing project No. 1 on the city's website.
"The people that are going to be riding the bike right in the middle, they have no chance," said Ridenbaugh.
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