Yay Bikes! UPDATE - tour urban gardens, bike the cbus, program updates & more

Dear Cyclist-Friend,  
Lots happening these next few weeks in YB!-land! Take special note of two rides - Year of Yay 8 (Aug 18) is a tour of urban gardens that we're offering in partnership with Local Matters, and Bike the Cbus(Sept 1) is back for its 5th year. Other events include Sell Ur Bike Stuff (SUBS) on Aug 19 at Franklinton Cycleworks and and a new Riverfront Arts Festival Ride on Sept 29. And be sure to join us for eats at the Jury Room on Sept 24, as they'll be donating 10% of food sales that day to YB!.
In other organizational news, we have some exciting How We Roll updates and it's an especially good time to become a member
And finally, Pedal Instead has a sweet new sponsorship that puts free Chipotle in your belly and there's a public meeting tomorrowregarding the new Columbus proposal to add 130 on-street parking spots along High Street from Nationwide to Mound.
Hope to hear from you soon, and to see you out on the road!  

Let's Ride!
Meredith Joy
Executive Director, Yay Bikes!

AUG 18 -- Tour of Urban Gardens -- Register Now!garden
This month's button
In partnership with Local Mattersfor Local Foods Week (August 11-19), our 8th Year of Yay ride will be FARM FRESH, a bicycle tour of urban gardens followed by a community lunch. YAY BIKES! MEMBERS RIDE & EAT FOR JUST $15 -- a $10 discount! Read more about the ride options and purchase tickets here. (Members who just want to ride are free and non-members who just want to ride are $5, as always, but we do ask you to register in advance b/c space is limited.)

This month's generous sponsor

5th Annual Bike the Cbus -- Register now!bikecbus

200th member to receive $200 in prizesmember
200!  $200  200!
We're closing in our our 200th Founding Member! And that lucky member will receive a package of gifts worth $200, so JOIN TODAY to see if you're the one!   

Program update: How We Roll returns & expandsHWR
A How We Roll tour stops on the Main Street bridge for a shot
We're back at OSU, expanding to Akron, seeking sponsors and offering all types of educational bicycle tours. Learn more about these exciting new initiatives and read our final report from last fall's OSU pilothere!

Partner News: Chipotle Sponsors Pedal Insteadpedalinstead

Pedal Instead, a project of our partner The Enrichment Association, has a sweet new Chipotle sponsorship that directly benefits YOU, when you volunteer to park bikes or ride your bike to an event during 2012. Volunteers who take 4-hour shifts will receive a FREE Chipotle burrito, and EVERYONE who bikes to an event will receive a Buy-One-Get-One coupon! Check the website to see what volunteer shifts are available and what events are offering Pedal Instead.

Action alert: Public meeting TOMORROW @ MORPC re: on-street parking downtownaction
red tee
Cyclist riding in door zone between parked cars and traffic
As reported by the Columbus Underground, The City of Columbus Department of Public Service has announced the addition of 130 on-street parking spots to the downtown High Street corridor between Nationwide Blvd. and Mound St. The public is invited to a meeting tomorrow to learn more about the proposal:

Thursday August 2, 5-7 pm; Presentation at 5:30 PM
Mid Ohio Regional Planning Commission
Scioto Conference Room
111 Liberty Street, Suite 100
Columbus, OH 43215

Yay Bikes! will be in attendance. We oppose the plan because we believe that it will slow bus traffic, cause cyclists to ride unsafely in the door zone and attract more motor vehicle traffic to downtown. 


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