Bike 'Contrails' to Create DIY Bike Routes [Treehugger]

Make Your Own Bicycle Path

Design21's Power to the Pedal design competition has a lot of interesting entries. One of the finalists that caught my eye is the Bike Contrails concept, though I'm not quite sure what to think about it.
Here's the theory, from Studio Gelardi:
Contrail is a tool for developing bicyle communities. As you ride, contrail leaves a fanit chalk line behind your bike. The goal is to encourge a new cycle of biking participation by allowing the biking community to leave a unique mark on the road and to reclaim this crucial shared space.
The old cycle: More cars on the road --> more percieved danger for bikers --> fewer bikers on road --> even more cars on the road.
The new cycle: A few bicyclists ride with contrail a couple times per week --> faint lines on the road inspire curiosity and remind bikers where it's safe to ride --> new bikers are encouraged to ride and use contrail --> contrail lines get brighter as community grows.

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